b'Intumescent Fire & SmokeIntumescent Fire Only Seal Intumescent Grilles and VentSEALS AND INTUMESCENTSeal Covers9Tested and certified for use on fire doors 9Tested and certified for use on fire doors 9Enables free air flow through fire resisting doors and 9Self adhesive backing for ease of application 9Self adhesive backing for ease of application compartment walls 91050mm lengths and other options online. 91050mm lengths and other options online.9In the event of fire the grill expands to fill the void and prevent flow of fire and hot gases 9Tested to BS476 part 20 / part 22:1987 and approved for use on 30 and 60 minute fire doors9Use grilles with vent covers of the same size to provide a clean finish to the openingPrice Inc. VAT Price Inc. VATSIZEFIREPACKSIZEFIREPACKPrice Inc. VATCODE (MM) COLOURRATING 10 CODE (MM) COLOURRATING 10 SIZE B-IFS 10 x 4 xB-IFO 10 x 4 xCODE OPTION (MM) AIR FLOW EACH10421W-P10 2100 White 30 min 15.8410421W-P10 2100 White 30 min 13.18IG150150 Grill 150 x 150 153 sq cms 19.43 B-IFS 10 x 4 xBrown 30 min 15.84B-IFO 10 x 4 xBrown 30 min 13.18IG112225 Grill 112 x 225 161 sq cms 25.20 10421B-P10 2100 10421B-P10 2100 IG225225 Grill 225 x 225 323 sq cms 49.62 B-IFS 15 x 4 xWhite 30 & 6019.90B-IFO 15 x 4 xWhite 30 & 6014.16IG150300 Grill 150 x 300 307 sq cms 34.50 15421W-P10 2100 min 15421W-P10 2100 min IG300300 Grill 300 x 300 614 sq cms 75.26 B-IFS 15 x 4 xBrown 30 & 6019.90B-IFO 15 x 4 xBrown 30 & 6016.98VG150150 Cover 150 x 150 153 sq cms 9.75 15421B-P10 2100 min 15421B-P10 2100 min VG112225 Cover 112 x 225 161 sq cms 10.28B-IFS 20 x 4 xWhite 60 min 25.90B-IFO 20 x 4 xWhite 60 min 21.60VG225225 Cover 225 x 225 323 sq cms 16.42 20421W-P10 2100 20421W-P10 2100B-IFS 20 x 4 xBrown 60 min 25.90B-IFO 20 x 4 xBrown 60 min 22.90 VG150300 Cover 150 x 300 307 sq cms 15.20 20421B-P10 2100 20421B-P10 2100 VG300300 Cover 300 x 300 614 sq cms 24.15 Door Threshold Seal - 44mmDoor Threshold Seal - 56mmRoll Over Door Threshold Seal - Inward Opening Doors Inward Opening Doors Inward and Outward Opening Doors9Low height threshold seal9Low height threshold seal9Roll over threshold for use for ease of accessfor ease of accesswith wheelchairs9Suitable for inward9Suitable for inward opening9Confirms to Equality Act opening doors onlydoors onlyand BS8300 regulations9Double rubber gasket for9Double rubber gasket for9Suitable for inward and ultimate weather protectio ultimate weather protectio outward opening doors9Can be cut down to suit9Can be cut down to suit door9Heavy duty rubber gasket door size sizefor ultimate weather 9Suitable for 44mm max9Suitable for 56mm max doorprotection door thicknessthickness9Can be cut down to suit Price Inc. VAT Price Inc. VAT door sizePrice Inc. VATCODE LENGTH (MM) COLOUREACH CODE LENGTH (MM) COLOUREACH CODE LENGTH (MM) COLOUREACH42961 914 Aluminium 15.4242971 914 Aluminium 18.8516041 914 Aluminium 19.43 75497 914 Gold 17.7471905 914 Gold 20.0144534 914 Gold 20.99 63538 914 Black 19.5688087 914 Black 21.9642000 914 Black 23.07 68863 1829 Aluminium 30.8427785 1829 Aluminium 37.7044195 1829 Aluminium 38.86 98615 1829 Gold 35.4866403 1829 Gold 40.0243050 1829 Gold 41.98 38639 1829 Black 39.1230605 1829 Black 43.9348452 1829 Black 46.15 Single Door Weather Seal SetHeavy Duty Single DoorDoor Bottom Brush Draught PVC Weather Seal Set Seal9A complete seal for the perimeter of the door 9Heavy duty weather seal set for perimeter of a single9Prevents draughts and dust blowing under door9Use in conjunction with a threshold seal for doordoor9Heavy duty brush - suitable for domestic and weather proofing9Provides high weather resistance to rain, draughtscommerical environments 9Can be used on both sliding and hinged doors and dust9Can be cut to size 9Quick and easy to fit9Heavy duty rubber gasket and aluminium carrier for9Quick and easy to fit9Kit contains 2x 2030mm length and 1 x 915mmstrength and durability918mm bristle height length9Suitable for both inward and outward opening doors9Allows for 3mm tolerance for door movement9Kit contains 2 x 2134mm lengths and 1 x 915mm lengthPrice Inc. VAT Price Inc. VAT Price Inc. VATCODE COLOUR EACHCODE COLOUR EACHCODE COLOUR EACH 35755 White 10.3054426 Gold 18.1661165 White 4.83 14199 Brown 10.3020869 Black 19.9646071 Brown 4.83 31536 Aluminium 16.8220098 White 19.9680273 Gold5.83tradefit.uk020 3924 2988 27'